Recommended Resources for Advent

Advent: the “Little Lent”

Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year”: trees are trimmed, presents wrapped, and the chilly air signals the coming season of festive warmth.
But did you know we’re not really ready for Christmas without first observing a “little Lent?”

Articles, Blogs and Websites

  1. Bishop Robert Barron
  2. Ignatian Spirituality

“Abiding Together Podcast”

  • the gift of belonging to God’s family and what this means to us as Christians. We also reflect on the women in the lineage of Jesus and how He redeemed their stories.
  • You can find the episode on iTunes or on the website


  1. Spotify Advent Playlist
  2. Christmas Joy Playlist

Email Subscriptions

  1. Best Advent Ever
  2. Word on Fire
  3. Sacred Advent