Attention all Youth & Young Adults (Ages 16-30)
Join Annie at a meeting in Charleston on Tuesday, July 25 @7PM. We’ll have dinner together at the parish at 5:00PM, then leave for the meeting.

Pope Francis recently called for a “Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” to take place in October 2018. The Holy Father is asking for YOUR feedback! He wants to hear about and from our young people in West Virginia. Diocese around the world have been asked to provide feedback from youth and young adults on what impacts their choices about life and faith. They want to hear from active Catholics, non-Catholics alike! Bring your friends. This is your opportunity to SPEAK UP because the Church is Listening!

Please RSVP by Friday, July 21 so that we can make sure that we have enough food for dinner and cars for the ride to Charleston.