Liturgical Ministries

Altar servers assist the celebrant and assembly in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Mass, special liturgies and celebrations, and the celebration of the sacraments.  They are blessed to have an intricate role in the Mass and to have the opportunity to learn more about their faith and the Mass. This ministry provides a strong foundation for evangelization and stewardship. Formation is open to boys and girls in the 5th grade and above who have received their First Communion. Classes are held annually.

Formation: Deacon Harry  304-549-4590       Scheduling: Deacon Harry

Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord. This ministry involves effective preparation through practice and prayer to proclaim the Word before the celebration of the Mass or Liturgy. Responsibilities during the celebration may include introducing the celebration, proclaiming the Word through the first and second readings, announcing songs and reading the Prayers of the Faithful with clarity and reverence. Women and men who serve in this ministry are presumed to be of good faith, eager to serve their fellow Christians and willing to participate in ongoing formation for effective service.

Training & Questions: Deacon Harry  304-549-4590

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist at Mass in administering the Eucharist with the utmost respect and reverence. We also serve those who are not able to take their rightful place at the Eucharistic Table due to illness or physical challenge. We let them know that our Catholic Community of St. Francis does not forget them. We commit ourselves to the service of God and to our fellow parishioners in an effort to support the spiritual life of the soul.

Eucharistic Minister Scheduling and Training

The Ushers and Greeters are a dedicated team of parishioners who meet and greet friends and families as they arrive to Mass and assist newcomers. They select a couple to present the offertory gifts, facilitate the collection of offerings, perform a headcount, distribute bulletins after Mass, and check pews for items left behind.  Ushers are typically scheduled on a monthly basis.   A brief training is provided.

Scheduling and Training: Deacon Harry Evans 304-549-4590

The Resurrection Choir sings at all funeral liturgies held at St. Francis de Sales Church.

Mary Ann Gilson 304-252-0170
Helen Marie Clemons 304-253-1632
Julia Daniel 304-252-3253