MINUTES – Nov.17, 2016


Members of the Saint Francis de Sales Pastoral Council met on Nov. 17, 2016, in the church for silent prayer and readings by Jamie Bowen.   The membership then convened in the church hall and the meeting was called to order by President Henry Bobbin.  Those attending in addition to Henry included Father Paul, Annette Jennings, John Rist, Dr. Charles Bou-Abboud, Heather Fama, Phyllis Vealey, Jamie Bowen, Dr. Bert Cruz, John Sadowski, Ed Habib, Lisa Figueroa, Karen Creager, Sandy Genung, Benita Goode, and Angella Warvel. Terry Rojas was absent.


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as emailed.



Six of the seven committee reports were emailed last week; the seventh report was read by Angella.


Couples for Christ:

Dr. Cruz reported that a meeting was held last Saturday with 25-30 attendees; there was no one from MD.  Father commented on the report indicating it was “too late for youth.”  Lisa said Friday evening was not good. Angella suggested meeting after the Saturday evening Mass and Father suggested a 4 pm Mass.  Angella plans to speak with Dr. Salon about having choir practice from 2-4 pm instead of 3-5 pm.  Halberto suggested Saturday at 5 pm. Father will consider this as it would be one less Mass for him.  Father also said the music screens were issue.



The congregational vote was for a 10 am Thanksgiving Mass and midnight for Christmas.  There was no vote held at the 5 pm Mass.  Father requested that a member(s) of the congregation remind him if he forgets a particular announcement.    There was some discussion about an 11 pm Mass which would end at midnight.  Heather inquired about using candles which is typically part of the Easter Vigil.  She is to email the idea to Marcia Evens.


Angella asked about the albs and Father expounded on this.  Harry Evans presented a report to the Liturgy and Finance Committees and new albs were approved and budgeted.



Mrs. Bennett’s surgery was today in Morgantown. A twelve hour operation was anticipated.



Angella apologized for not submitting her report prior to this meeting. She submitted the following:

Recent Activities: Rosary Lesson did not go as well as planned, but the people who came enjoyed the experience. We are trying to plan a better time to do a second lesson like this.                                     Future Activities: In December, we plan on doing a Christmas Youth Group meeting. Which will in a cookie exchange, ugly sweater showcase, and a Christ centered lesson among other things.                     In progress:      Suggestion box for youth to be presented at next youth meeting.                          Plans for a second rosary lesson (getting more youth involved and interested)                                                                                  Reach out to SSPP youth to join us.                                                                                                                                                                                          Thanks to the Knights for donating t rosaries and rosary cards to the youth group

Unfinished Business:                                                                                                                                                       None

New Business:                                                                                                                                                            None

Forward in Faith – Subcommittee Reports


John S. inquired about Sr. Janice being included with this group.  She developed a survey (to parents and teachers) of CF.  Father suggested including the parents of the Catholic school students.  He said it was a good idea to have a Christian Education Committee and Sister is a good resource.  John S. will include info in the bulletin and it can also be emailed.  Ed asked about a name and Father said the committee could come up with something.


John S. asked about a separate committee and Father said to “expand the scope” of CF which now includes RCIA; Jennifer Camerillo can be contacted.  John will get the surveys out to the parish.



Phyllis said her group feels we need to evangelize ourselves before reaching out to others.  Henry said we would take 2 – 4 minutes at this meeting for a PC member to share before our closing prayer.  Father said God wants to live in our hearts not in our buildings.



Jamie said this committee feels the ushers might be more welcoming and perhaps have PC members at the doors to welcome parishioners and visitors.  Heather said the youth group could prepare a prayer card with a rosary; Father suggested researching ideas on the internet.


There was a lengthy discussion about a “job description” for ushers, their dress/attire, and name tags.  Angella commented on attire for servers; Annette reported that H. Evans is addressing this.



Karen said this committee suggested a possible script for the ushers.  They also said a guest book was needed on the new side–something similar to the one on the old side.  It was suggested that the ushers choose different individuals to take up the gifts; involve more parishioners.  Perhaps the Liturgy Committee could put a notice in the bulletin that if a Mass is being offered for your family member, notify the usher at that Mass and offer to take up the gifts.  Heather suggested a social to meet and greet.


Comments, Questions, Concerns, and Feedback for Pastor:

Father said he was pleased with the response to his prayer sessions.  The third program is on Facebook and he plans to add the first and second programs.  These are “to help people grow closer to God…preaching…prayer…education” are all part of this.   There was a much better response this time as compared to the very first program which Father offered.  In the spring he plans two sessions focusing on the use of “rack prayers…and dealing with spiritual dryness in our lives.”  Sister and Jay had good responses to their offerings.  Approximately 25 have registered for the Soul Stretching program.  Father referred those present to their weekly homily email which had a link about bringing children to church.


John inquired about a Christmas billboard but was told it is too expensive.  Two banners have been ordered; one will be placed on the back church fence and the other near the VA Hospital.


Lisa inquired about a “steak fry” in May


Henry suggested the parking spaces in front of the Antique Mall be reserved for handicap parking. Father agreed and will talk with Carl.  Father added that the parish saves a great deal because of Carl’s skills.


Ed spoke of being born in PA, raised Catholic, and having the Sisters of St. Joseph as his teachers for nine years. He added that we “hunger for the Eucharistic and it fills your soul…There is no other faith started by Jesus.”


Our next meeting will be Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 pm. We will gather in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament; Angella will have a scripture reading or prayer. There will be no December meeting.   Father closed our meeting with prayer and we adjourned at 8:02 pm.


Annette Jennings                                                                                                                                               Secretary