May 19, 2021

Homily by Deacon Harry Evans Have you ever said goodbye to family members after a holiday visit or a vacation? Maybe a grandparent, a favorite cousin, an aunt or uncle? You have enjoyed their company and you have done many things that were really fun and have made some good memories. Now they are packing [...]


May 18, 2021

Homily by Father Paul Wharton The Gospels record 17 specific occasions when Jesus prayed.   Jesus prayed at different times of the day in different places   Sometimes He prayed on His own, and sometimes when His Disciples were with Him.   Jesus  prayed before making decisions such as choosing the Apostles before healing the [...]


May 16, 2021

Homily by Father Paul Wharton These words are partially my own and a writer whose identity is unknown.   His work had begun when Jesus embraced our human condition by becoming one of us, making our weaknesses his own, walking in our footsteps, traveling our roads, experiencing our pains, feeling our fears, embracing our limitations [...]


May 14, 2021

Homily by Deacon Jay Ziolkowski Two words almost leap out at us in today's readings: "chosen" and "love".  Putting them together, we get the message for this feast day of St. Matthias that we are all Chosen to Love. In the first reading, the apostles feel the necessity to chose someone to replace Judas who [...]


May 13, 2021

Homily by Deacon Harry Evans Jesus is talking about his death and resurrection again today. He is priming his disciples for what’s to come. He spoke the words recorded in the Gospel: “A little while and you will no longer see me and again a little while later and you will see me.”  His disciples [...]


May 9, 2021

Homily by Father Paul Wharton A certain medieval monk announced he would be preaching next Sunday evening on "The Love of God." As the shadows fell and the light ceased to come in through the cathedral windows, the congregation gathered. In the darkness of the altar, the monk lit a candle and carried it to [...]


May 7, 2021

Homily by Father Paul Wharton Perhaps by the time I was in middle school and certainly in high school, a question students sometimes asked a teacher was, “Is this going be on the test?”   The answer would tell us how important it was and is. In the Gospels, when Jesus wants us to know that [...]


May 6, 2021

Homily by Deacon Jay Ziolkowski There is a story that has come down to us through the years.  It's about a political dignitary who attended the coronation of King Edward VII in England on August 9, 1902.The dignitary had witnessed the historic moment when the crown was placed on King Edward's head.  When the dignitary [...]


May 4, 2021

Homily by Deacon Jay Ziolkowski "Peace I leave you.  Let not your hears be troubled, neither let them be afraid."  These are some very moving words that were spoken by Jesus when he said them to his disciples in today's gospel passage.  How comforting it must have been to the disciples to hear this, for [...]


April 30, 2021

Homily by Father Paul Wharton A stranger was lost and stopped at a Georgia farmer’s house for directions. To be friendly, he asked, “How is your cotton coming along?” “Ain’t got none,” replied the farmer. “Did you plant any?” asked the stranger. “Nope,” was the reply, “afraid of bollweevils.” “Well,” continued the stranger, “how is [...]

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